Make informed toy choice: our tips
Tip No. 1: Arts & crafts
Do you have little ones who are overflowing with creativity? Offer them something to feed their passion! Janod creative leisure activities are adapted for 4 to 12 year-olds and take up themes that they hold dear, such as the farm, animals, princesses and pirates. Children will find suitable activities based on their age and abilities, such as glitter, shrink plastic, watercolour, pompom making and mosaics. These activities develop dexterity and creativity!
Discover the rangeTip No. 2: Skill games
What could be better than play to teach children to moderate their movement and to improve accuracy and fine motor skills? Welcome to the adventurous and amusing world of games of skill! Challenge yourselves as a family to discover who is the most skilful and who will emerge victorious! Warning: laughter guaranteed!
Discover the rangeTip No.3: Cardboard puzzles
Once they have mastered fitting pieces in, children can explore the joys of puzzles. In addition to learning reasoning, analysis and deduction, doing puzzles also helps to develop little ones' intelligence and logical skills. Janod puzzles are often presented in handy, easy-to-carry mini-suitcases. The lovely illustrations make one want to dive into each universe!
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